Print Panther standalone
The Print Panther application can also be used as a standalone solution. Using Print Panther as a standalone solution is ideal for companies that work with charters. Most charters haven’t Print Panther at their disposal. Often it is desirable that an unambiguous method applies within the company. Namely that all documents can be printed, anywhere you are. This makes it easier for the transport planner if all drivers, internal and external drivers, have the same working method. The standalone version can be an ideal solution for the charter or independent contractor. Our Print Panther solution can connect with every Android device. The driver can immediately print the desired documents in the truck that are needed for transport.
Tconsult offers a total solution, this means that the required hardware can also be delivered. If desired, we can make a quotation for the Print Panther in combination with on-board computers, Android phones, the desired printer, a bracket, and the corresponding cables.
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