Print last minute documents

It sometimes happens that during the transport changes have to be made that are not foreseen in advance. Pick up an extra freight or take a return that was not included in the planning by forehand. The driver can then receive the necessary documents with a few clicks. Print Panther works on various on-board computers and as a standalone solution on a tablet or smartphone. Print last minute the CMR or consignment note in color, this is no problem for Print Panther. The integration with the compact document printer from Canon and Epson is to use Print Panther everywhere. Not only in transport and logistics is this solution ideal, but also when you are often on the road to customers or have had to carry out inspections. Print Panther can be used flexibly wherever and whenever.


Different work areas

Print Panther is used in transport to print out the latest CMR’s and customs documents directly, also at sea and the solution goes a long during on-site inspections. During the inspections, Print Panther is connected to the tablet on which the inspection report is drawn up. Immediately after the inspections, the inspections reports can be printed and signed by the customer using Print Panther. For example, there is evidence that the inspections have taken place and immediately received a signature from the customer for approval. Processes can be speeded up and become more flexible.

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